La rete ciclabile di Roma - Roma in Bici


Opening times



Since 2001 a network of cycleways of more than 150 km is being implementing in Rome. Its main axes are the ridges of the Tiber and the Aniene rivers, that is the two natural ways that cross the city from north to south and from east to west.
In addition, there are the already usable cycleway in Villa Pamphilj or that under completion in Villa Ada.
The goal of the development of a network of cycleways is the promotion of regular use of bike to contribute realize a sustainable mobility in the spirit of the Kyoto Protocol.
The Municipality of the city is also developing the Intermodality, that is to alternate the use of bike with the use of public transport, through a system of car parks or transport of bikes on the bus, metros and trains.

For more information

Transports › Getting around › By bicycle
Transports › Getting around › By bicycle
Transports › Getting around › By bicycle
Transports › Getting around › By bicycle
Transports › Getting around › By bicycle
Transports › Getting around › By bicycle
Transports › Getting around › By bicycle

See also

Transports › Getting around › By bicycle
Transports › Getting around › By bicycle
Transports › Getting around › By bicycle
Last checked: 2022-09-20 9:46
©2007 - Roma Classic version