SS. Celso e Guliano

Typology: Non Parish Church


Address: Vicolo Del Curato, 12
Zone: Rione Ponte (Via Coronari-Ponte Vittorio) (Roma centro)


Telephone: 06 68892283

Opening times

For the timetable of the masses and visiting conditions, please consult the contacts.


SS. CELSO E GIULIANO Celestino I (422-432) ordered the building of asmall church dedicated to the Santi Celso e Giuliano. In 1198 the church wasdeclared papal chapel by Innocenzo III. In 1733 it was rebuilt via a project byCarlo de Dominicis, and newly restored by Andrea Busiri Vici in 1868. Thefacade, presenting Borromini’s style, embodies two orders and includes an entryportal surmounted by an oval window sided by two empty niches in the lowerpart. In the upper order, on the other hand, a big arched window decorated withcherubs’ heads opens up. The interior has an ellipticalplan roofed by a dome and with six side chapels. On the high altar there is apainting portraying “Cristo in gloria e i SS. Celso, Giuliano, Marconillae Basilissa”, a masterpiece by Pompeo Batoni from 1738.
Last checked: 2022-09-07 12:03
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