Chiesa Santa Maria dei Sette Dolori

Typology: Non Parish Church


Address: Via Garibaldi, 27
Zone: Rione Trastevere (Gianicolo) (Roma centro)


Opening times

For the timetable of the masses and visiting conditions, please contact the Congregazione Oblate SS.mo Bambino Gesù.



SANTA MARIA DEI SETTE DOLORI The church was started in1643 based on an initiative by Camilla Virginia Savelli Farnese and left interrupted until 1646; it was then completed by other architects with some variations on the initial project. The plan, a smooth and wavy square, recalls the planimetric solution of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, while the incomplete façade recalls modules already seen in Sant'Agnese and in the Oratorio dei Filippini. The use of exposed perforated bricks, retrieved in the direct experience of Rome’s monuments, somehow expresses the simplicity and the austerity of the enclosed monastic orderl and the oblate nuns residing in the annexed monastery.
Last checked: 2022-07-18 10:09
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