Chiesa San Silvestro al Quirinale

Typology: Non Parish Church


Address: Via 24 Maggio, 10
Zone: Rione Monti (Colosseo-S.Giovanni-S.Maria Maggiore) (Roma centro)


Telephone: 06 45421813
Mobile phone: 346 6398688

Opening times

For the timetable of the masses and visiting conditions, please consult the contacts.

Scheduled events


S. SILVESTRO AL QUIRINALE Thechurch was built between C. IX and l’XI on the ruins of a temple raised by theTarquini in Semo Sanco, antique Italic city. In 1507 it was conceded to thePadri Domenicani; in 1524 the latter began the widening of the church and a newconvent. After various issues, it was completed in 1584. With the building of the new road -XXIV Maggio -, however, it was reduced while the facade was rebuilt. The façade, divided into three orders ofpilaster strips, includes a fake entry portal surmounted by wide renewalsdecorated with coat of arms and a big oculus. To the left, the church can beaccessed via a little portal surmounted by a window with a balcony. The interior, with a single nave andsixteenth-century-wooden roofing, includes various chapels with paintings,statues and frescoed decorations carried out by artists such as Domenichino,Giovanni Alberti, il Cavalier d’Arpino, Alessandro Algardi. The BaldiniChapel, at the bottom of the left transept, deserves particular attention.
Last checked: 2022-11-17 14:28
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