Borgo di Isola Farnese


Address: Via dell'Isola Farnese
Zone: Isola Farnese (Roma nord)


Opening times

For opening and closing timetables and the conditions of visit, please contact the contacts indicated.


At the Km 13.3 point, you will leave the Via Cassia to climb up to Km 15.5 to this small village.
The church of S. Pancrazio martire dates back to the 15th century but was remodelled in the 17th century. The town is dominated by the Farnese castle, formerly Orsini, which was first mentioned in 1003.

This table (All'interno di) includes

Hospitality › Services › Congress and fair venues

See also

Culture and leisure › Cultural heritage › Archaeological heritage
Last checked: 2023-06-21 12:02
©2007 - Roma Classic version