Tempio di via delle Botteghe Oscure - Tempio delle Ninfe

Typology: Monuments


Address: Via Celsa, 3
Zone: Rione Pigna (Torre Argentina) (Roma centro)


Opening times

Visible from the outside.


The ruins of the temple, two columns with Corinthian capitals and part of the podium, were found in 1938 during the demolition for widening Via delle Botteghe Oscure. The building, reconstructed thanks to a fragment of the Forma Urbis, marble map of the city traced out under Settimio Severo, had a portico with eight columns on the long sides. The wall of the cell in bricks and tiles, visible together with the base of the cult statue in the cellar of the building in Via Celsa, was restored during the Domiziano era.

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Last checked: 2023-01-20 11:12
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