COMMISSIONE EUROPEA - Ufficio di rappresentanza


Address: Via Quattro Novembre, 149
Zone: Rione Trevi (Quirinale-Tritone-Barberini) (Roma centro)


Telephone: 0039 06 699991
Fax: 0039 06 6791658 - 06 6793652


The European Commission, with headquarters in Brussels, is responsible for promoting the European Community, developing proposals for a better integration between member states, managing and implementing EU policies and negotiating international agreements regarding trade and cooperation. The Italian representative's office is in Rome.
Internet website:  www.europarl.eu.int E-mail: address-information@cec.eu.int
Connections: Bus 116T - 61 - 62 - 175 - 492 - 590 - 52 - 53 - 71 - 80 - 160 - 850
Last checked: 2020-12-16 10:16
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